PRESS RELEASE 27.08.2015

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CFR S.A. invited to candidate for the management board of

the Community of the European Railway and Infrastructure Companies – CER



Bucharest, August 27th, 2015



At the invitation of the National Railway Company CFR S.A., Mr. Libor Lochman, the Executive Director of the “Community of the European Railway and Infrastructure Companies” – CER, paid a documentation and information visit to Bucharest on August 25th, 2015.


Founded in the year 1988 and headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, CER is an organization that brings together the railways in the EU member states, and represents its members’ interests at European level, with a view to improving the viability and market position of the railway transport, by carrying out actions as a partner of the European Commission and the European Parliament.


The programme of the visit organized by CFR S.A. included bilateral meetings with the management of the Ministry of Transport, CFR S.A., CFR Călători S.A., and CFR Marfă S.A.


On this occasion, the management of CFR S.A. made a brief presentation of its strategic objectives, and of the actions which have already been taken at the level of the infrastructure manager as a basis for modernizing, and increasing the efficiency of the Romanian railway system which is included in the Single European Transport Area. There were also made suggestions with regard to the European legislation under preparation, the Road Package which directly influences the railway system, and the Railway Package IV where, for ensuring a level playing field, it is necessary to pay more attention to the issue of the European administrations organized as holdings.


The CER Executive Director stated that the institutional separation model of the Romanian railways is very close to the ideal one, and welcomed its supplementation with the plan for increasing economic efficiency which was recently launched by CFR S.A. Then, he reviewed some of the most important issues currently on the agenda of CER:


–  the Junker investment plan for stimulating job creation;

– the excessive development tendency of certain inspection and control entities, and the modality in which the European single authority, the European Railway Agency – ERA, will contribute to reducing their number;

– the review of the White Paper on Transport published in the year 2011, and presented CER’s actions and positions in its capacity as “the Voice of European Railways”.


At the end of the meetings, Mr. Libor Lochman invited Mr. Dan M. Costescu, the CEO of CFR SA, to join the CER management board consisting of European railway CEOs, and proposed that he should submit its candidacy for the position as CER Vice-President at the forthcoming CER General Assembly that is to take place in Oslo, on September 24th, 2015.



The National Railway Company “CFR” SA – the company operating, maintain and developing the public railway infrastructure – carrying on an activity of public interest and making its contribution to the free movement of persons, goods and assets inside the country and over the border, under  safe, commercial and low emissionconditions.



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